Home / by Beth Anne Booth

Baby sounds. Evan’s laugh. Pepper’s licks and Samson purring. The jingles of Mom’s charm bracelet. Dad’s footsteps in his work shoes in the morning. The gentle hiss of the radiator. All of these noises hold meaning and feelings of home. It makes me think of that Edward Sharpe and Magnetic Zeros song, “Home” and the lyric, “Home is wherever I’m with you.” It’s the memories, the feelings, and the people that make me feel home.

We, Evan and I, talk a lot about our home. We love our home. But, when thinking about the future, it doesn’t serve us, or, at least we don’t think that it will. We (I should really say “I”-Evan is a bit more laid back than me) think about the possibility of our family growing, and the number of bedrooms and limited amount of space. It doesn’t seem to accommodate a growing family. That brings me back to a thought from earlier this week—instead of worrying about the past or the future, why not make space for the present?

I tend to limit possible outcomes by attaching myself to a vision or fantasy that I think will make me feel better or be happier. That always seems to be my pattern. Taking myself out of the here and now with the expectation of feeling more than. But, then I take a deep breath, feel my feet on the ground, and express deep gratitude for my life today. Today, I will experience the joy of living in the moment. I will feel the feelings and comfort of home wherever I am, since I carry “home” with me wherever I go. Home resides in my heart.